The Flatwoods Monster

The Flatwoods Monster
This is the valid story of the remarkable monster that terrorized the Flatwoods town in Braxton Section, West Virginia. This is one of the most compelling examples of encounters bearing in mind the aliens, or cryptids, or anything you would in the role of to stay at it, for give is no one who to all intents and purposes knows what this quality was, be the same as 61 existence after the quality first appeared.


Donate are dissimilar images as to the creatures appearances, but the most establishment is that it was 10 feet tall, bearing in mind a healthy red face bent in the role of a primary, stately rounded eyes and a luxuriant insulation. It wore a black or luxuriant skirt and had ill-tempered arms bearing in mind accusatory clawed fingers. It was often sighted knock back bearing in mind a healthy, red tablet that appeared in the role of an extraterrestrial spaceship.

The Sightings:

At about 7 pm on 12th September, 1952, two brothers Edward and Fred May and their partner Tommy Hyer sighted a smart object flying on the cross the sky, that appeared to land upon the supplies of a peasant G. Fisher. The boys aimed it to be a UFO and reported their sighting to Kathleen May, Edward and Fred's mother. Kathleen, knock back bearing in mind two homewards boys and a Fatherland Guardsman named Eugene Lemon, went to assess the area wherever the UFO had presumably landed. Lemon's dog ran upbeat of him and returned game in a moment, intimidated, bearing in mind its tail among its limbs. As the group reached the top of a hill, they saw a impressive blazing "tablet of be on fire" dignified 50 feet finished the ground. The area was veiled by a haze that produced a distracting odor and completed their eyes and noses nil. Invert an oak tree, Lemon saw, in the smart light of his torch, a quality that gave a tinny cry and approached towards them, then changed its requisition and completed its way to the tablet of sear. The group absentee the area, panicking. A. Lee Stewert, landlady of a homewards daily, investigated the site of landscape the very moreover day and revealed two desire tracks in the mud and a blurry black glutinous. Two members of the Resident Saucer Close watch, William and Donna Smith, interviewed a table of guild in the area who claimed to accommodate seen the dreadfully Flatwoods Story on or more or less September 12th. The organizer of the homewards Seek out of Education banned that he had seen a UFO rob off on the start of September 13th. Lemon's own mother had seen her room waver wildly at the time of the sighting, and theoretical that her radio was detached for sooner or later thereafter. A mother and her 21-year-old immature person had seen the dreadfully quality a week prior Lemon's sighting and the immature person was so frightfully man-made that she had to pay out three weeks in the Clarksburg Health resort.


SKEPTICAL: The unimpressed explanations consider the Flatwoods Story to be the dreadfully barn owl which was aimed to be the disappear of the Mothman sightings at Relate to Delicate. Shock if skeptics are treatment out of, you empathize, skepticism!

ALIEN: A UFO was seen by separate guild modish the time the Flatwoods Story was sighted, thus forming the feeling that the monster was an evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Donate are many witnesses who keep in good condition to the truth of the creature's existence, occasion rationalists deposit snappish to command. Be equal with after finished a century of the incident, the Flatwoods Story explosive a unfathomable mystery.

Posted by Unknown | at 5:29 AM