A Resource For Ufo Sightings Overlooked By Aficionados Of The Phenomenon

A Resource For Ufo Sightings Overlooked By Aficionados Of The Phenomenon
Intellectually scourged "cerebral" Immanuel Velikovsky grown a theory about how our planetary (solar) system and Hangout were formed and dominated to catastrophes that were recorded by humans in a number of histories and bury, such as The Bible, (Asian) Indian hymns and stories, Greek tradition, Egyptian hieroglyphic leftovers, Homer, and a number of, a number of very ancient accounts.

His theory may be found in two bury, "Worlds in Thud" [1950] and "Hangout in Commotion" [1955].

Science has eschewed Velikovsky's theory, but his insights occupy popping up as NASA and cosmologists look at the planets in our system.

So Velikovsky insisted that solar measures were what humans saw and recorded, one can viewpoint not worth it his interpretations to encounter what possibly will be UFO sightings.

For container, this...

In The City of God by Augustine it is written:

"From the book of Marcus Varro, entitled Of the Rapidity of the Roman Genus, I excerpt call for call the following instance: show occurred a marvelous celestial portent; for Castor documentation that in the vivacious repute Venus, called Vesperugo by Plautus, and the je ne sais quoi Hesperus by Homer, show occurred so curious a experience, that it untouched its color, aptitude, form, course, which never happened until that time nor what. Adrastus of Cyzicus and Dion of Naples, famous mathematicians, alleged this occurred in the declare of Ogyges'" ["Worlds in Thud", A Delta Compilation, 1965, Subject 158]

Velikovsky supplemented his theory in later books, "Oedipus and Akhnaton" [1960], "Peoples of the Sea", "Ages in Testify", "Ramses II and his Living", and "Worldly Amnesia".

Astronomers finished it a directly to check Velikovsky's views and possess been pretty real.

But that's not what we should be concerned before.

Our dealing is in the cited bury and accounts that mob to be sightings of UFOs.

Velikovsky's books carry sources that buzz in ways that force - "might!" - grant Antiquated Astronaut theories.

The variance is that Velikovsky's "cataclysmic" intrusions don't rig before or connect before humans; his measures shelter observational, not intercessional.

Also, a number of of Velikovsky's cited measures were eschewed, it seems, by the Vallee/Aubeck book, "Wonders in the Sky", I imagine to the same degree Chris Aubeck's mine locale (Yahoo Magonia X) for a number of of the sightings in his and Vallee's book was controlled by the scheming of UFO stalwarts such as Jerry Clark, who thought sightings and give or take hostage to his (Clark's) tally of the UFO phenomenon.

I suggest you get your hands on Velikovsky's books. Wish for the cataclysmic theory if you what - a baffle, as I see it - and cull the measures that bespeak UFOs in verve of old.

If UFOs were as high-status as they gaze to possess been, their facet belies current hypotheses about military misidentifications, emotional aberrations, or enchanting by entities out to bewilder current humanity.

The bright light and instruction of Dr. Velikovsky motivation vindicate you, in a quantity of ways; that is clear.


Posted by Unknown | at 9:30 AM