Black Triangle Ufo Sightings Near Youngstown Ohio

Black Triangle Ufo Sightings Near Youngstown Ohio
Always bearing in mind the sighting of the famous 'Belgium Black' triangle UFO in 1990 (depicted) reports of these craft support curve first-class widespread. I customary this wacky email from a reader today

Hi, Lon, I'm a long-time reader of your Phantoms and Monsters site. I what if the site is not to be faulted. You area evident of the most wacky and another matter.

I salutation to email you about two objects I've seen in the sky over an violently two week point.

Lid, I represent to pro forma by blabbermouth you that adjoining month heart be the 25th birthday of my being an incompetent astronomer. I began in July, 1985, and support continued to this day. I support two telescopes and three pairs of giant binoculars, 9 x 63, 10 x 70, and 11 x 80. I've used up illustrious hours under the night sky in 25 verve, and until truthful presently saw one thing that I couldn't prove, anticipate in July 1996, because I watched a glow, spherical pale object sway over my neighbors house for several account, beforehand speeding off appearing in the sky.

Tuesday night, May 26, I went out counting the 11 x 80 binoculars. The are moderately within walking distance, so I had a barely table on our anticipate courtyard adjoining to me. I knelt on a roll on the courtyard and braced my elbows on the table to maintain the binoculars from jiggling. I was looking in a southern means at the spangle Spica. I had put the binoculars down for a not sufficiently and was scanning the night sky because my disapprove was wedged by a red light potential my way. The light wasn't broken, but plentiful plane lights don't activate sort they are broken such as of the angle they are at until they get violently rule on top of you, this has happened to me plentiful epoch. I watched for a few moments, and realized that the light interminably wasn't broken, so I picked up the binoculars and licensed them on the light. To the same degree I saw stunned me. The object in my binoculars was a black triangle. A very several black triangle. Portray was one unblinking red light at the forefront of the object on the triangle close, and two blue lights on the anticipate. None of the lights were broken. I watched the object as it approached me, violently overhead. Portray was no resound possible from it. Hardly as it was violently overhead, it ended and punctually, sensitive 90 raze to the ground prod and sped off. I lost it behind the organization, and by the time I got a little to the forefront yard it was gone. The object was emigrant from east to west because it turned, (as I was earlier it, it turned to my rule), and quiet up going in a northern means. I've never seen whatsoever sort that in the sky beforehand.

Continue night, Monday June 7, my 13 court old toddler and I went rise counting my reduce in size a little 10:00. We set up the ability, which took a few account. The night was exceptionally clear, counting plentiful stars plain, steady understood the anticipate yard has evident light pollution from the car port light. We were looking at the sky amid my 10 x 70 binoculars. I noticed a glow red object once again potential amid the sky. As it got sooner, my toddler asked me why it wasn't broken. I looked at it amid the binoculars and saw once again that it was different black triangle, this one counting exactly varied lights. This object had two red lights in the anticipate, one pale light in the gathering place, and one pale light in the forefront, on the close of the triangle top. None of the lights were broken. I handed the binoculars to my toddler and told her to activate at it and tell me what she saw. She looked at it and thought in a panic-stricken gap, "Mom, that is NO plane! It's a black thing, and it's triangle produced. I don't see any wings!" She was troubled, and handed me the binoculars. The object came corner to corner the sky, going this time from west to east. Following once again, as it was violently on top of us, it ended a sensitive 90 raze to the ground prod, (this time to our finished as we faced it), and sped off to the north. This time I ran a little to the forefront yard, and was able to result it for a few seconds as it went off, finally speeding up and vanishing. My toddler was very troubled and set aside homily about what she'd seen, and how it ended a moment ago no babble as it voted for violently over us. We both approved that the object was violently the collection of a pencil eraser held at arm's array. The night was somewhat cool, counting not a long way away helix at all, so a plane that big requisite support ended evident babble that second to us, we can faintly difficulty the babble of smaller planes failure a long way away untouchable overhead on tranquil nights.

My toddler was very panic-stricken and salutation to go in, but I converted her to settle down out for a diminutive seeing that. We looked at Mars, Regulus, Saturn, Spica and Arcturus for a little a half hour beforehand we came in. As precisely as we came in, I told her to sit down and draw what she'd seen, seeing that I went in different room and drew what I saw. Our drawings were identical.

Sorry this is so hunger, but I did exactly so represent to tell you what we did see, and what I saw last week. I live in Ohio, rise the Youngstown area. I plan on supervision an eye on the night sky after this, and I'm overly going to maintain a camera welcoming in case I see one of these objects once again so I can try to get a picture. To me it's violently undreamed of that I've seen two such objects that I can't prove in two weeks, after presently seeing one object in 25 verve of elderly night time stargazing! Julie

NOTE: I'd be very inquisitive to deduce analogous sightings. Portray support been plentiful triangular produced UFOs reported the formerly few verve....but, the recent production of reports is prodigious IMO. The MUFON and NUFORC bystander report pages in total support at least one analogous sighting altogether day. I'm moderately sure plentiful first-class of these sightings go unreported...Lon

Black Triangle UFO Sightings From one place to another Youngstown, Ohio

Posted by Unknown | at 12:27 AM