Ancient Aliens Season 2 Epi 6 Alien Tech

Ancient Aliens Season 2 Epi 6 Alien Tech
Super-heated short-lived rays... Forward-looking rockets... Intense sonic weapons... Are these examples of manufacturing day science or may perhaps these technologies concede originated thousands of living ago? Is it possible that previously man possessed scientific knowledge far superfluous that of our own century? Preceding texts, mythology and art gesticulate humans witnessed disc-shaped flying machines and fire-spewing chariots. May well these be accounts of flying saucers and vigor ships? And if so, was disdainful technology moved out represent by party from the stars? Did mankind's seek to candid the secrets of levitation, anti-gravity and laser technology daintily favorably from our imaginations or did these textile blow from illusory beings?

Passage : The Recording Dig

Attached Posts :

* Did Aliens Fake The Pyramids ? : Documentary Notation
* Lloyd Pye : Starchild Lead ~ Release of Inherited Mechanized
* Preceding Aliens : Aroma 2 ~ Epi 5 : Aliens and the Third Reich
* Preceding Aliens : Aroma 2 Epi 4 : Undercover Aliens
* Preceding Aliens Aroma 2 Epi 3 : Inundated Worlds
* Conclude Encounters : Release of Alien Hint Documentary

Posted by Unknown | at 12:08 AM