Nasa Labels Ufo As Dust Devil On Mars Nice Try Nasa March 2012 News

Nasa Labels Ufo As Dust Devil On Mars Nice Try Nasa March 2012 News
Cozy up to of sighting: March 7, 2012

Agree of sighting: Mars

NASA link:

NASA claims to convey captured a photo of a sparkle mischievous sprite on the polish of mars. Its happened as a result of but this time its not a red/brown sparkle devel as others found convey been...its WHITE! I convey seen this as a result of in reliable Apollo photo (Panaramics-over 50!). This Mars UFO and the one in the Apollo 16 photos looks very constant. Example at the over photo and compare it to below photo...hearten inlet at the video I complete. SCW

These are freshly a few of the compound photos surrounded by this awfully UFO.Click to amplify.

Age exploring NASA's image chart for the Apollo 16 throw, I came spanning compound images that convey a translucent gray cloud UFO on the far no more of the panoramic image. At first I was doubtful and took a nearer inlet at the craft noting that the shape of the UFO sundry shape particular become old. It is little known if the cloud is a robe for the craft or the cloud is the craft, but one thing is for sure, it moves permanent and corresponding the quality of the Apollo course of action. This UFO was eagerly close watch and monitoring the Apollo 16 course of action as it flew in control give away the moon booty photos. Engross be of interest that the UFO moves from the top of the photo and matches its quality surrounded by the Apollo course of action consequently at about 450 photos it begins to fall behind, allegedly realizing that the Apollo craft was no trouble. As well current were about 40-45 images that had a 100% alert cloud in its situate and each of these images are slightly clear-cut than the appearance, not to citation that the lunar polish below the UFO changes in each photo the Apollo 16 course of action took. I took all 458 still images and put them in movie format surrounded by each trade fair next per flash. The movie starts surrounded by a finish up of the UFO and consequently shortened way made shows the UFO in the amount to NASA panoramic photos. So the similarities to the Mars UFO good to show it is a ship. SCW

Source: NASA Archive:

Posted by Unknown | at 9:10 PM