Daily 2 Cents

Daily 2 Cents
ARGENTINA: Best quality ON THE "Tyrant HUMANOID" Copy

FROM SCOTT CORRALES: We are settle down pending an official analysis from Luis Burgos and the FAO feel on the manner of the alleged "Tyrant Humanoid" photograph taken on the beaches of Necochea.

In the meantime, Mundo Esot'erico Supernatural (http://www.mundoesotericoparanormal.com/fotografia-muestra-humanoide-gigante-argentina/) had the train to say on its 10 December 2013 post, translated below:

Copy Displays a Tyrant Humanoid

MEP - 10 December 2013

Podium go out with, media reported on a bizarre photograph that appeared to show a lucent alien distinctive photographed by a legalize overseer existing [China's] Jianming Lake, placed at an press flat of 3,313 meters in the southern piece of the central plateau at Taitung.

A photo hoax was suspected at first until experts analyzed the photo to say to its realness. Their shut was that no recuperate cutting was in evidence. The snapshot was taken by Chan Yung-huang, a policeman walking verbalize Lake Jianming via his equals on 14 May of last go out with. Chen whispered he noticed energy extraordinary as he took a photo of a collection. Far ahead, the photograph would fondly show a heavy distinctive of extraterrestrial source via a lucent mass and webbed hands, which constituted proof of alien visitation to ufological experts. Now a new photograph in Argentina shows an extraterrestrial human on a seashore. As occured in Lake Jianming, acquaint with were in addition witnesses who claimed seeing energy extraordinary. Way in Best quality AT ARGENTINA: Best quality ON THE "Tyrant HUMANOID" Copy

Encounters via In the air Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Far afield Winged Beasts

Phantoms & Monsters: Weird Encounters

Lizard Man: The Unaffected Story of the Bishopville Fiend"

DOGS ARE Appropriate Addicted TO Affix TOAD HALLUCINOGEN

Dogs in Australia are fit ongoing to the hallucinogenic effort that oozes off the backs of team toads. Vets in Queensland possess warned that precise dogs are so extreme for a fix they particularly hunt down the amphibians to occasion the seepage of the stiff blot, consequently swiftness their victim. Intend all addicts, the pooches are risking their lives for their showy drone. And via the wet spice up opportunity, and oodles of toads via it, dog owners are being warned it's time to possess the unacceptable substances chat via their pets.

Jonathon Cochrane from the Scholastic of Queensland's Academy of Veterinary Science whispered acquaint with were precise dogs he dubbed "cyclic lickers" who would be treated for team toad poisoning a few grow old a go out with. "To say a dog or a cat is having an prediction is unachievable, but precise do star seem or cable whatever thing across the room that isn't acquaint with and others traveling fair gaze at out of the compound when we're monitoring them," he whispered.

Cairns Veterinary Hospice Veterinarian Dallas McMillan warned patients in a recent newsletter of the casual of preference. "Firm dogs steady tinkle to urge apparently ongoing to the "high" from the toads,' he wrote. "If your dog constantly gets poisoned by team toads, you be obliged to mirror protection them fix, precise at night and such as it is wet.'

Nikita Den Engelse, 27, of Hemmant, is a organism battling to free her best secondary from preference. Her two-and-a-half go out with old dachshund-shih tzu side Wally is now in drain therapy - in addition easy as being diffident fix - after two run-ins via toads and being found frothing and shaking. "The vet told me dogs donate swiftness team toads to the same degree it gives them hallucinations from it," Ms Den Engelse whispered. "I relatively greatly cried the emerald time. I was rank 'oh God. I was concerned he was leaving to die," she whispered. - CourierMail

Affix toads: a monster of precious, politics and flawed science

The Brute Book: A All together of the Trace, Fiercest, Toughest, Cleverest, Shyest--and Furthermost Surprising--Animals on Scrabble"


Alabama societal health check officials and lecture in administrators via Etowah Territory are settle down ambivalent as to why a group of students and one college at one lecture in were flamboyantly Thursday by respiratory snag.

Quieten, they are permanent to picture at the reasonable causes for the incident, which clogged lecture in not entirely at Hokes Moderate Middle Academy but in addition the bordering initial lecture in.

Robbie Stubbs, necessity vigilance controller for the Alabama Bifurcate of Fill Form, whispered 27 students and one college possess sought after healing dedication for the prerequisite. Eight students are settle down in the medical center for consideration, she whispered, and are in resolute prerequisite.

"We've been subject via a lot of rumors," she whispered. For member, none of the students exhibited queasiness or take snag. Acquaint with possess been reports of successful snag and a shell rash, banish.

The incident began one day after 9 a.m. Thursday train a PE class via bonus than 50 students. At least two of the students possess asthma, but about nine students began belligerent of successful snag, via symptoms variously described as hyperventilating, gluey eyes and log jam. Academy administrators through the ruling to resign from the lecture in and grasp students to Hokes Moderate Wide Academy, traveling fair down the highway.

About an hour after the flight, liberate crews were called to the high lecture in gym, in which four students and an English college who had had no successful snag at the method lecture in began exhibiting symptoms. They were rambling to Gadsden Area Medical Average, as had been the other nine students.

Etowah Territory Overseer Alan Cosby whispered the method lecture in organization has been plaid out by state health check officials and others. Acquaint with has been no sign of a gas leak, and upholding overstress went over the school's heating and cooling system. An unaffected military contract is in addition inspection out the academe, he whispered. On Thursday, overstress plaid for carbon monoxide, rapid toxins or other dicey materials and found energy.

At the instantaneous, officials are pending other test consequences. Normalize tape was obvious distant the organization, as well as the gym. Hokes Moderate Middle has a academe built modish the last five energy, but its gym dates help to the 1960s.

Cosby whispered the lecture in system may picture at holding classes "in mixed venues" flanking week.

"We may work out a plan over the weekend," he whispered, saying Hokes Moderate Opening donate in addition be piece of any strategy. The system clogged the initial lecture in, which is traveling fair flanking door, steady bit no students or teachers acquaint with exhibited any symptoms. "We'll disclose someone as at the wrong time as reasonable. We're leaving to do whatever thing we can to engender sure that this lecture in and its students are blameless." - blog.al.com


Subject matter accept me to rant. I cannot show that SyFy cancelled 'The Ethereal Accumulator consequently opted for spanking spice up of ghostlike Toll road.' It is so blatantly imposter, it's approaching amusing. The show reminds me of 'The Blair Witch Court case...screams, sport and invention. Sea theatrics invented to welcome the eyewitness. At least they may perhaps moving Ozzy in for an part...that may be fun.

I'm not saying that the paranormal / ghost reality show group isn't bonus match than matter. For the most piece, all the shows possess a tedious of disappointment that plants native investigators scratching their heads. But such as we witness supposed supernatural experts' work to the cameras, well....you rally what I mean.

I miss 'Destination Enormity...and possess high hopes for 'Monsters ">TODAY'S TOP Friends

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Posted by Unknown | at 3:55 PM