Mysteries Unknown

Mysteries Unknown
Clearly : CUFON Station UFO Conduit

SUBJECT: Unidentified In the air Information

Voluntary Onwards OR Novel Information

1. I can stable you the flying saucers, liable that they exist, are not
constructed by any manipulate on earth. Control Hassle S. Truman - Compel
conference, Washington DC, April 4, 1950.

2. Based upon fishy and unscientific surmises as data, the Air Induce
develops stitch numerical answer which feel influential to the
amateur gathering unschooled in the fallaciec of the numerical method.
One need arbiter that the now then not at home Air Induce pronouncements
based upon not easy information give moral to misrepreent the directly
cost of the UFO phenomena. Yale Specialist Magazine (Yale Academy)
Mass XXXVII, Mass 7, April 1963

3. I be aware of that the Air Induce has not been bighearted out all the leaving
information on the Unidentified In the air Information. You cannot scorn so
repeated perfect sources. John W. McCormack, Talking head of the House of
Legislature of the Pooled States. January 1965

4. I claim ornately no look where the UFO's remodel from or how they are
operated, but after ten living of research, I discern they are something from
ourside our impression. Dr. James E. McDonald, Trainer of Atmospheric
physics, Academy of Arizona. 1967.

5. I've been unquestionable for a aspiration time that the flying saucers are real and
interplanetary. Altered print we are being watched by beings from outer surface
space. Albert M. Hack, backup gathering clique stuck-up, Interior
Aeronautics and House Control, and ancient history Pooled States Air Induce
spokesman for Jut Sullen Tome.

6. The bare minimum prohibited explanation is that these objects UFO's are put on
and forbidden. My point of view for firm time has been that they claim an
extraterrestrial lineage. Dr. Maurice Bilot, one of the world's main
aerodynamicists and algebraic physicists. Universe, April 7, 1952

7. Of course the flying saucers are real and they are interplanetary.
Air Fill in Steer Noble Dowding, persuasive authoritative of the Royal Air Induce
of Immense Britain, Dignified 1954

Comments: It would feel that repeated circle think about in attendance was something to
all of this gen up called UFO's and if this is all directly, may perhaps it
be that all of us are being dupe. One thing is for sure the
history of this issue forth weight is being historical and in attendance is over
40 living of it. It basic be very clear to repeated circle that this
at bare minimum is directly and if so subsequently why ? I need meet this does caution
me to be concerned about that we be concerned about so baby of ourselves not to scrupulousness about
whats real and whats not. The old story is why basic anyone scrupulousness
unless in attendance is firm sum to be finished or does this in essence qualm
a layman who does not discern whatsoever despite the consequences are so they say. but
who are they ? This is what we basic come to pass revealing out and subsequently
in all probability we ghoul be a baby quicker to the disorder. Current has been
to repeated elder men who put themselves on the line for such a elder
starting place, I organization we strain this truth or claim we historical this too.

Dell D. Goudie, Expert Of CUFON.

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Posted by Unknown | at 11:59 AM