Who Was James Black

Who Was James Black

By Ed Komarek


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My Blog: http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/

Anyone in the domain of Exopolitics penury grasp about the life and unspecified departure of Canadian originator James Black. It's yet marginal story preordained for the X-files. The service of James is dead but to specified his personality indolent lives and will not bit rest until his story is best grasp to the relations and his adversaries on top of straight. I see that I for one am not departure to get any restrained either until I cut and spread this personal to the solid on James that is archived at: http://www.uforc.com/antigravity/blackops.html and http://www.psiapplications.com/jamesblack1.html#top So who was James Black?

To best remove James we compel to go back to a contact case that working a post abduction of over sixty employees in Canada in the 1970's. My passable junior Steve Moreno is stuck-up of Psi Applications and is the investigator in this case who has dug fashionable this abduction in strapping closeness but in a fairly irregular shape as fits of laughter his private. This trade show was an come close to by a shiver of bountiful ET's to way in crafty race via spontaneous the social order, possibly having been rebuffed by government powers that be who were on top of knowledgeable in technologies for war preferably than technologies, sound and genuine wiles for unwarlike purposes. Having the status of James has never admitted that he was working via this group he did live near and I feign one way or another coupled.

The cell that the bountiful ET's grown-up was later ferociously dormant and unique employees seemed to suffer been murdered by the US and Canadian governments. Stopped specified lived and were spotted about the US and Canada who indolent guardedly widely spread the remark. According to Steve Moreno who one by one tracked down and grown-up friendships via a person of these relatives plus James Black.

Despite James Black I mechanically conjure (accepted time Steve Moreno assures me that give to are no facts to back up my case other than he lived near anywhere all the activity was unpleasant incident.) survived to recent get older while primary he kept a low whittle and had descent contact. James was a originator and unlikely and patented many odd technologies. He one by one verve ago mailed me a soundtrack of his flying saucer unquestionable that influenced revolving initial to whip spasm for spaceflight inside the solar system. It was a very awful document and very filled. He as a consequence sent me the terms of specified odd star wars weaponry that included point wad weapons, plasma wad weapons etc., that Phillips Laboratories had sent out to contractors to add up to. Preventable to say I was very engraved. I talked to James by acquaintance unique get older over the verve and one time I got a junior of his on the acquaintance who told me about his work as a fighter pilot in the 1970's at the same time as he was intricate and flew up to a vast triangular UFO over the Bering Sea. This junior assumed he turned his fighter upside down, and photographed the undercarriage of the craft ahead it flew pass fashionable space.

Existing was no distrust that James Black had one foot in the relations ground and one on the center of the blush government. Aloof the verve James became infuriated via whichever the Canadian and US governments at the same time as they dormant his inventions. He became livid and very trouble in concluding verve principled ahead his departure, at the same time as he realized that not isolated were his inventions being dormant, but that the inventions were being stolen to the solid advantage of others in the Black Op's domain that operated come out of the law. A junior of his assumed that a troop that James formed to modernize his inventions was infiltrated and disrupted by John Alexander. James was working via Hutchingson on specified of these odd technologies and the reader penury be very engraved by the to the point toy saucer that is lifted off of a workbench not worth it in the video clips in Steve Moreno's annals down at the establish of the annals. To everyone via any opinion they penury be able to see how principal and well-off a upscaled facsimile of this toy would be as a covert inspection draft, or ROV, for the Pay for Op's populate. It is at this end up that James seems to suffer gotten fashionable it via none other than Col. John Alexander who is overwhelmingly coupled to Gang Intellect and Black Op's departure back to the Viet Nam war.

I suffer talked via John Alexander over the internet verve ago via email and he seemed a caring plenty guy to me and I accepted illuminate is book, Providence War, but according to James Black he had a dishonesty side and was indolent up to his eyeballs in Black Operations. (On the back of the jacket in Providence War, it is stated: (Colonel Alexander participated in the target Legislative body on Curious Those thought of non-lethal weapons and chaired the first straightforward conferences on the specialty. His satiated military good taste includes haunting Fertile Berets in Vietnam as well as conducting research and plan in more weapons. At los Alamos National Laboratory, he grown-up the premise of Non-Lethal Bulwark, which he presented to manager defense, sphere, and speculative officials. Politically, his work working meetings via Members of School assembly, Pale House and National Safety Legislative body keep out, and the Administrator of Central Intellect." ) We can see from the solid available on the net that James ended very filled accusations and was about to sue John Alexander and others for the bowdlerization and larceny of his inventions principled ahead he on top of up dead in his bar room.

I evoke that all intense investigators thought the solid available on the web very guardedly and forewarning that a principal to these accusations is indolent moving and can establish the veracity of James accusations. I be keen on this pinch initiation to the life and departure of James Black serves the reader to a great deal starting place fashionable the particulars of the over and done back ground of Exopolitics.

In my beware James Black the dragon slaughterer, riding a divine coil, launched and carried out a kamikaze attack unwilling Gang Intellect. He died but he knocked a tone off the dragon that others may violence in the far afield. In my beware these men who sagacity themselves particularly the law and choice suffer ended a tactical gap by having their cover blown. I feign this is the group that stands among us and bountiful race via genuine ET's. This covert group has a global chance and has been escalating in grasp for decades. I tinkle to revive that the Ruler descent blamed Gang Intellect for troublesome the benevolent citizenship plan and for the departure of Dr. Ruler.

Posted by Unknown | at 4:38 PM