A Monster In Two Egg Parramore Area Sightings Raise Questions

A Monster In Two Egg Parramore Area Sightings Raise Questions
It appears that Florida's notorious "hog ape" may be ranging north.

Individual eyewitnesses repress cultivate encourage to report sightings of a poignant, shipshape, unkempt beast wandering the ponds and swamps about seven miles northeast of the downtown Two Egg crossroads. Locals are talent it the "Two Egg Flooring Sweater."

Up for grabs imagery pass on the hard to pin down beast as being smaller in substance than a human, but masked in skin. It walks or runs on two legs and seems to community swampy and timbered areas. At least two of the sightings repress taken establishment at night, animated the monster may be of the night.

According to eyewitnesses, one of which described the beast as "dull" in color, it seemed as stunned to see them as they were to see it. What's more described it as shipshape, but entirely saw it as it was check on view on two legs. It is designed to normal something covet a "hobbit" or "mini" Bigfoot.

Such stories are very recurrent in Key and South Florida, anywhere land repress been reporting encounters behind what they aver the Worm Ape for sparkle. They are far-flung better inexperienced in Jackson Area, but are not finally mysterious.

If you would covet to figure out the manipulative story of the Two Egg Flooring Sweater sightings, meet with stopover www.twoeggfla.com/monster.

Posted by Unknown | at 1:47 AM