Mysterious Area 51

Mysterious Area 51
AREA 51 is a U.S. military base located in Nevada whose sole purpose is to support the development of experimental aircraft and weaponry. However, there are rumors that if in place, the U.S. government to save the bodies of several aliens and their spaceship spaceship.


Area 51 is controlled by the Pentagon has a complex area of approximately 390 square kilometers and is located 121 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas. The place was once a lake which is then dried into desert.The name "AREA 51" refers to the number of "grid" on the old map of Nevada. In addition to the name of AREA 51, this location is sometimes called by other names like Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake and Homey Airport.

From the beginning, no one ever knows for sure the true purpose of the facility. The shadows of secrecy and become more powerful when in 1958, the U.S. Air Force to buy up to 155 square kilometers of land around the base to prevent the civil society approach.

Then followed again by purchasing 360 square kilometers in 1984.Not only are prohibited from approaching, civil aircraft were banned from flying over the area.The civil servants from among the chosen specifically to work on secret projects. They will be picked up from his home on Monday morning and was brought home again the next Friday night.

An unmarked Boeing 737 will drive them to AREA 51, where they will spend 5 days a week.Total staff of about 1850 people and earn a very adequate. by Scripps Howard News Service that analyzes U.S. government payroll records, Area 51 is a "One last secret headquarters in the United States".

Inside the complex there is a long flight path up to 3,800 meters. It's even longer than the longest path in the world of commercial aviation.In addition, the complex was also found employee dorm, ammunition and four aircraft hangar. Conspiracy theorists believe that in one of these hangars, which were coded as "hangar 18", kept the bodies of aliens and their craft from the Roswell incident.

In this same base, the best engineers from the U.S. be trusted to do the reverse engineering (technology research) against the alien craft.This belief is so popular that even the Interstate Highway 375, the highway leading to the area was renamed the "EXTRATERRESTRIAL HIGHWAY"

In addition to belief in the existence of aliens, some people also believe that under Area 51, there are alleys and underground trains to secret facilities around the country.

Thus, AREA 51 has become one of the objects observed many people in the world. Frequently encountered a group of people were watching it from afar headquarters. Some of them claimed to have seen a plane flying out of the base with a speed of 10,000 miles per hour, then suddenly stopped in midair.

For decades, the U.S. government refused to confirm the existence of this facility, until one day in 1998, a Russian spy satellite photos confirmed its existence have.It turns out the secret headquarters there.

Later, it is known that the headquarters has been in operation since 1955 and used to test the spy plane U-2 Lockheed Martin which is then followed by another fighter technology. Stealth technology was born here. Spy plane oxcart type (like the SR-71 Blackbird) to F-117 was also created and tested in this place.In other words, the facility is producing weapons of the future.


Posted by Unknown | at 6:40 AM