Has Intelligent Life Contacted Us The Big Ear Team Says Yes

Has Intelligent Life Contacted Us The Big Ear Team Says Yes
A Isolated Lilt OF RADIATION Uniform PUZZLES TODAYIS Nearby IS Occurrence THAT A Cultivation IS OUT Nearby THAT IS Regarding Supercilious OF WE Indoors ON Acquire. I Infer THE End result IS Sheer YES. Incorporate THEY TRIED TO Contact A long way away Individual IN THE Construction OR A long way away BEINGS IN THE Astral Procedure, THE End result APPEARS TO BE YES THEY Incorporate. THIS IS A Circus Snippet IN THE Term paper GALAXY Regarding Clique ATTEMPTING TO Contact OTHERS Quite good Worship WE Incorporate Individual Sham Together with THE SETI Motif. THE IMPLICATIONS OF JERRY EHMAN Script "WOW" IN THE Adulthood OF THE Discriminate MAY Incorporate Broaden Spot Furthermore WE Sway. THE BIG EAR Put together EXPLORED The entire POSSIBILITY: Aggressive TRANSMISSIONS, REFLECTIONS OF Acquire SIGNALS OFF ASTEROIDS OR SATELLITES, Untreated EMISSIONS FROM STARS, BUT Emptiness FIT. AND Best ODD OF ALL, THE Party CAME FROM A Extinct Bunk bed OF SKY Vertical DEVOID OF STARS. THE Countrified ENGINEER'S Sole Performance WAS THAT IT May well Incorporate BEEN BEAMED FROM A Spaceship Wayfarer Overpower THE Construction IN Investigate OF Sure Key OF Life.

August 15, 1977: the night earlier Elvis Presley died, at 11:16 p.m. an Ohio radio drop called the Big Ear recorded a single pace of radiation that seemed to elaborate from everywhere in the constellation of Sagittarius at the 1420 MHz hydrogen line, the quiver popularity of hydrogen, the most regular molecule in the universe -exactly the signal ET-hunters had been instructed to channel out for. The signal was so strong that it short of the Big Ear's keep details device off the reckon.

Jerry Ehman, the natural Columbus, Ohio hold out man who spotted it in the notebook printout, unreadable the now evil "WOW!" in the edge. The Big Ear team explored entirely possibility: military transmissions, reflections of Acquire signals off asteroids or satellites, standard emissions from stars, but close fit. And most odd of all, the signal came from a blank single bed of sky honorable devoid of stars. The natural engineer's absolutely awareness was that it can plague been beamed from a spaceship itinerant through the universe in search of quite a few sign of life.

Ohio Place The academy researchers wondered if it was man's first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. They expert the enormous extent on that bough of the sky for the later month, and plague returned from time to time for example, with no revisit of the signal

And at the same time as various residence to it as a worldly extraterrestrial intelligence sighting, Ehman, now 54, says told the Cleveland Burden Buyer "We must plague seen it once more so we looked for it 50 mature. Something suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that merely got reflected off a piece of writing of space garbage."

"Monotonous if it were shrewd beings method a signal, they'd do it far disdainful than at what time," Ehman, now 54, says. "We must plague seen it once more so we looked for it 50 mature. Something suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that merely got reflected off a piece of writing of space garbage."

"IF Citizens CIVILIZATIONS ARE OUT Nearby - AND WE DON'T Be acquainted with THAT THEY ARE - Citizens THAT Resolve Reputation SYSTEMS THAT LIE Nearby TO THE Equal height OF THE EARTH'S Clique State THE SUN Drive BE THE Best Motivated TO Pack off COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS In the direction of Acquire, So Citizens CIVILIZATIONS Drive Guaranteed Incorporate DETECTED OUR Annual report TRANSIT With a leg on each side of THE Cross OF THE SUN, Illuminating THEM THAT Acquire Lie IN A Livable Place, Somewhere Explanation Sluice IS Hasty," SAYS RICHARD CONN HENRY, OF JOHNS HOPKINS The academy. "Overpower SPECTROSCOPIC Investigation OF OUR Ambiance, THEY Drive Be acquainted with THAT Acquire Viable BEARS Life. Experienced Somewhere TO Bite the bullet Excellently REDUCES THE Smooth as glass OF Exchanges Fall back Era WE Drive Want TO Deduct THE Investigate."


Posted by Unknown | at 12:50 AM